Back Pain
Back Pain Specialist
Back pain is a very common problem that can affect your mobility and disrupt your normal routine. At Precision Pain Management, LLC, in Toms River, New Jersey, John Coccaro, MD, and his team work with patients to find the most effective solution for their back pain. Dr. Coccaro offers a wide range of alternative and noninvasive treatment options. To get started on your treatment plan, call or book an appointment online today.
Back Pain Q & A
What Causes Back Pain?
Up to 90% of Americans experience back pain at some point in their life. Back pain comes in many forms and can range from a mild ache to debilitating, stabbing pain. The cause of back pain can stem from various underlying conditions, including:
● Spinal stenosis
● Sciatica
● Degenerative disc disease
● Herniated discs
● Arthritis
● Osteoporosis
● Muscle or ligament strains
At Precision Pain Management, LLC, Dr. Coccaro and his team provide treatment for both acute and chronic back pain.
Acute Back Pain
Acute back pain refers to sudden, sometimes severe back pain that is not long-lasting, resolving with treatment.
Chronic Back Pain
Most cases of back pain resolve in a few weeks, but certain cases can persist for much longer. When back pain lasts longer than three months, it’s considered chronic. Chronic back pain is much less common, but just like acute back pain, it can result in some serious complications with your physical performance, mobility, and overall quality of life.
A sudden or gradual injury to the muscles, ligaments, and other structures that support your back can cause both acute and chronic back pain. Falls, sports injuries, auto injuries, and overuse injuries are all common causes of back pain.
When Should I See a Doctor about My Back Pain?
At-home care may relieve many cases of acute back pain. If your condition doesn’t respond to at-home remedies like over-the-counter pain medication or cold packs, then it may be time to schedule an appointment at Precision Pain Management, LLC. You should avoid multiple days of bed rest as this can make your condition worse.
If your pain doesn’t show improvement in the first few weeks, Dr. Coccaro and his team can determine the cause of your back pain and your best options for effective relief.
How is Back Pain Treated?
Before you begin treatment, Dr. Coccaro and his team perform an in-depth evaluation, including a physical exam, imaging tests, and a review of your medical history. Depending on your symptoms and the underlying cause of your back pain, treatment may include:
● Medication, such as Suboxone® for chronic pain
● Physical therapy
● Regenerative medicine Vertiflex™ Superion® minimally invasive spinal decompression
● Spinal cord stimulation (Nevro HF10® or Boston Scientific systems)
● Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MILD®)
● Radiofrequency ablation
● Botox® injections
● Trigger point injections
● Facet and sacroiliac joint injections
● Epidural injections
● Sympathetic chain blocks
● Selective nerve blocks
● Medial branch blocks
Precision Pain Management, LLC, provides you with the personalized care you need to successfully overcome your back pain. Dr. Coccaro and his team specialize in several cutting edge, minimally invasive treatments. To find out which treatment is right for you, book an appointment by phone or online today.
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Precision Pain Management, LLC
300 West Water Street, Suite A
Toms River, NJ 08753
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